Kondensatableitersatz ECO-DRAIN 31 für DLB ST 90l/150l/11bar/16bar
Die elektronischen Kondensatableiter ECO-DRAIN von KAESER leiten zuverlässig und ohne Druckverlust Kondensat aus Zyklonen, Druckluftbehältern und Kältetrocknern ab.
KAESER Kompressoren SE
KAESER COMPRESSORS, a family-owned company, is one of the world's leading manufacturers and providers of products and services in the field of compressed air. Founded in 1919 as a machine workshop, Kaeser now operates at two production sites in Germany and employs approximately 7,500 people worldwide.
Product no. :
8.4500.0Category :
Condensate Drain
No Specifications